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![]() Projekteon dis/place/mentGranular=Synthesis: Areal AReininghaus, Graz, 23. und 24. Oktober 1997Das Projekt "Areal A" markiert den nächsten Abschnitt in der langjährigen Arbeit von Granular=Synthesis mit technologischen Ereigismassen. Seit 1992 haben die beiden Künstler das ästhetische Potential von Resynthesen audiovisuellen Materials auf der Grundlage von computergesteuerten Zeitachsenmanipulationen untersucht: Granulare, Grains, d. h. kleinstmögliche visuelle Einheiten, werden entgegen ihrem ursprünglichem Ereignishorizont in neue zeitliche Abfolgen gebracht, wodurch diese Elemente ihre Geschichte, ihre Bedeutung und ihren Sinn verlieren. Diese Intervention in die Zeitfolge der Bildpartikel erzeugt eine völlig neue visuelle Dramatik. Es ist die Zeit, die dabei zu einer Art Territorium wird. Die Koppelung dieser Schnittechnik mit Großbildprojektionen und einem komplexen Soundenvironment, das teilweise live entsteht, errichtet ein energetisches Feld von Medieneffekten, dessen gesamte Intensität und zeitliche Struktur einer präzisen Dramaturgie unterworfen ist.
Granular=Synthesis (Kurt Hentschläger, Ulf Langheinrich) arbeiten seit 1991 unter diesem Label. Seit 1992 Entwicklung von Modell-Reihen (3.0 bis 6.0), die ihre Untersuchungen des ästhetischen Potentials maschinenbasierender Verarbeitung audiovisuellen Materials in Form von öffentlichen Aufführungen präsentieren. Seit 1992 Teilnahme an zahlreichen internationalen Festivals, u. a. in Los Angeles, Budapest, München, Oslo, Paris, Osnabrück, Linz, Montreal und London. Aktuelles Projekt: "POL". Granular=Synthesis: Areal AThe project "Areal A" marks the next phase in the many years of work of Granular=Synthesis with technological event masses. Since 1992 both artists have been investigating the aesthetic potential of resyntheses of audio-visual material on the basis of computer-controlled time axes manipulations: granulars, grains, that is minute visual units, are put into new temporal sequences contrasting with their original event horizon thereby losing their history, significance and meaning. This intervention in the temporal sequence of image particles generates a completely new visual drama. Here, time becomes a kind of territory. The combination of this cutting technology and large-screen projections and a complex sound environment, that is partly created live, sets up an energy field of media effects whose entire intensity and temporal structure is subject to a precise dramaturgy. "Areal A", that was conceived in this form specially for the steirischer herbst festival, extends this concept in that for the first time the arrangement of the projections appropriates a space completely and places the visitor at the centre of such a machine space. While artists have analysed the problem of aspects of time experience, corporeality and disembodiment before, what "Areal A" creates is a massive media power station whose acoustic and visual dynamism is focused on plumbing the depths of aesthetic and acoustic intensity masses. The project creates an area (Areal) that enervates and affects the visitor, the visitor's body, making him a component of the media machine and entering him into a resonance with internal machine aesthetics - not least due to the four hour duration of the performance. With this project, the artists are concerned with contemporary techno culture, albeit exceeding its boundaries and dispositives: picture frequency, volume, intensity, image language, frequency spectrum, etc. are located beyond the usual aesthetics of club culture. In a certain contrast to the typical trance-like repetitive beats, Granular_Synthesis attempts to create a dynamic event field in space by means of the dramaturgy of images and sounds, a kind of booming, a charge moving and being manipulated along a temporal and spatial axis: the result that is created is an area of intensive coupling of the individual and the machine. Granular=Synthesis (Kurt Hentschläger and Ulf Langheinrich) have been working since 1991 under this label. Development of model series (3.0 - 6.0) that present their investigations into the aesthetic potential of machine-based processing of audio-visual material in the form of public performances. Since 1992 participation in numerous international festivals, i.a. in Los Angeles, Budapest, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Osnabrück, Linz, Montreal, London and Nagoya. Current project: POL. |
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last modified on 2002 04 09 at 19:37 by cwm / |